Au Roi

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Legal informations

1. Publisher and host identification


The site is published by AU ROI SARL, a simplified joint-stock company with capital of 6,000 euros, headquartered at 75 rue de la fontaine au roi 75011 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 508 026 176 000 18 (hereinafter referred to as “Our Company”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”).


This site is hosted by OVH, a simplified joint-stock company with capital of 10,059,500 euros, headquartered at 2 rue Kellermann, BP80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1, RCS LILLE METROPOLE SIRET 424 761 419 00045 Website: ovh.COM

Publication manager

Mr François Dubois, in his capacity as Managing Director

2. General terms and conditions of use

The present terms of use of the Galerie Au Roi website (hereinafter the “Site”) are intended for customers of Our Company and Internet users visiting the Site. They detail the intellectual property rights held by Our Company over the various elements of the Site. Notre Société may modify these terms of use at any time.

3. Site security

Our Company has implemented technical and organizational security measures to preserve the confidentiality and security of the Data processed and to prevent it from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized third parties.
However, Our Company does not control all the risks associated with the operation of the Internet and draws the attention of Site users to the existence of possible risks inherent in its use and operation.

Our Company does not guarantee that the Site will be available continuously, without temporary interruption, suspension or error. Without limiting the scope of the other provisions of these terms of use, Notre Société may only be held liable in the event of a proven fault for which it is exclusively responsible. In any event, liability shall be limited to direct damages only. Notre Société reserves the right to suspend operation of the Site.

4. Copyright and intellectual property

Our Company is the owner of the domain name. The Site as a whole, as well as its component parts (in particular, texts, tree structure, software, animations, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, graphic representations, logos, etc.) constitute intellectual works protected by articles L.111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The Site and its component parts are the exclusive property of Our Company, which alone is entitled to use the related intellectual property rights and personality rights, in particular trademarks, models, copyrights and image rights, on an original basis or by virtue of a license or express authorization.

The use of all or part of the Site, in particular

Au Roi is a unique venue with a total surface area of 255m2 (2745 sqft) located in the 11th district of Paris (Metro: Goncourt / Parmentier) with a capacity of 200 people. Au Roi is an ideal space for fashion week, brand events, showrooms, fashion shows, filming or photo shoots.