‘Kids of Cosplay’ is a visual project, mixing elements of cosplay, fashion, photography, sociology and documentary.
It aims at providing a never-before-seen insight into the cosplay community, which is notoriously esoteric and difficult to photograph. It takes the form of a book and an exhibition, that will showcase both moving image and stills. Aside from being visual, the project also aims at providing a real sociological insight into a massive yet secretive subculture. It features over 50 cosplayers in 50 different locations. Part of its appeal comes from the lack of existing documentation of this community - despite its huge size, it has been very rarely documented outside of cosplay conventions - in part due to the casting challenges associated with these often secretive subjects.
Publisher Thames & Hudson / Volume Photography /
Directing Thurstan Redding
Art Direction Jean-Baptiste Talbourdet-Napoleone / Lolita Jacobs
Casting Finlay MacAulay at Establishment NY / Anita Bitton
Foreword Katie Grand
Essay Tom Rasmussen
Interview Sara McAlpine
Book : https://vol.co/product/kids-of-cosplay/