The first solo show by @karla_sutra
From 20 - 23 April 2023 at the Galerie Au Roi, at the Galerie Au Roi, free admission, as part of the gallery's cultural programme: Waall
In the beginning was the line. Curved, of course. With the curves of sweetly remembered madeleines and chewy buttocks. Reflected, multiplied tenfold, underlined by its own twin reflection or the opposite, inviting us to hurtle down the slopes of desire out of sheer greed for the other, out of an appetite for life. And then Karla Sutra feeds it with the Mediterranean, swelling it with sunshine, ripening it to the point of bursting, the better to reconcile, from this apparent destructuring, a pacified world to be shared like a child's snack, chocolate first in your mouth. Again, she says, to suspend time and summon it back. En corps", she says, like an injunction to abandon oneself to the luminous truth of the senses that no cultural norm can disturb. Sensuality proposed as a common language, as sharing without limits, but also and above all as the passage - obligatory? - towards the vertigo of total love. A love that invites us to dissolve into the other, to finally find the world.
About the artist
Karla Sutra is an artist and ceramist based in Paris. The artist subtly deceives your eye and stimulates your senses. Using illusionist leaps, solar flares and decorative disruption, she draws her inspiration from the Mediterranean, classical and modern art, from Japanese Hentail to the architectural elements of monasteries. A Parisian, she studied and worked in fashion.
Inhabited by sensuality and passionate about art, her discoveries and travels have given her an idea, an intuition: erotic azulejos. With geometry and mirror effects inspired by the Kamasutra, the work is read in two parts, in two dimensions. A street art hunter, she first thought of exhibiting her work in this way, then trained in ceramics and the art of fire to create objects from her drawings.
The deeply erotic link between the body and food naturally
Her website :
Press : Article dans Le Monde
About the Waall cultural programme
From April 2023, the Galerie Au Roi and togaether will be teaming up to offer Waall, a 4-part artistic programme. It's an opportunity to welcome and showcase artists through exhibitions and performances. Au Roi is making its gallery available to support and promote a rich and diverse new cultural programme.